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Belly Fat After Menopause – What’s the Cause?


Menopause brings about many unpleasant changes such as loss of menstruation, hot flashes,irritability, depression — but does it increase your belly fat? There are different ways to control the symptoms of menopause. What do physicians suggest to control belly fat?

What Causes Belly Fat After Menopause?

A recent study that followed newly menopausal healthy women for four years showed a direct link between a decrease in estrogen levels and an increase in weight and body fat. Not only do body fat and weight increase, but the body fat is also redistributed from the hips and thighs to the abdomen.

Controlling Weight Gain and Belly Fat After Menopause

  1. Focus on a healthy diet – Diet plays a main role in a healthy lifestyle. A well-rounded diet of whole foods, high-quality fats, whole grains and protein can help women combat the effects of menopause. It’s also important to avoid consuming too much sugar if you’re concerned about belly fat because sugar gets stored as fat when consumed excessively.
  1. Work out your whole body – For the best results, you need a combination of cardio, strength training and core workouts. Interval training, which consists of alternating high-intensity and low-intensity within one workout, four to five times a week helps burn more fat. It can also burn more calories throughout the day.
  1. Hormone replacement therapy – If your belly fat is becoming a health risk and diet and exercise aren’t working, you might want to talk to your doctor about hormone replacement therapy. Some researchers believe that estrogen supplements can prevent the build-up of belly fat.

Menopause Symptoms Treatment in San Francisco, CA

Dr. Leslie Kardos provides women with advice and treatment for menopause. Treatments such as the MonaLisa Touch procedure can help offset the negative effects of menopause such as vaginal dryness and irritation. Please contact our office at (415) 426-7859 to learn more about the services and procedures we offer.